Professional Fees
Professional Fees
Effective January 1, 2023
A detailed electronic intake form will be sent once you have scheduled this initial consultation. Please complete the intake at least 36 hrs before your consultation to permit Dr. Jaklin to review your health history and major concerns prior to the consult. Please submit copies of labs and/or imaging (pdf) from the past 6-12 months to be included in this assessment.
Your scheduled appointment time will be used to build out your story and experience, expand on the information from your intake and set priorities for your care.
Following your appointment Dr. Jaklin will compile all info, create a summary and overall assessment of therapeutic steps. This will be presented during your second consultation. Your treatment begins with this Intake appointment.
Your second consultation will be used continue to set the cornerstones for a therapeutic foundation with a particular focus on digestion and nutritional status and key lifestyle factors as they relate to your main health concerns.
During this consultation Dr. Jaklin will discuss her over assessment from the first two and trajectory for care as well as providing logical recommendations for further testing. Assess progress from the initial consultation and then continue Particular attention will be paid to digestion and nutritional status, and key lifestyle
An individualized approach ensures that recommendations made here are manageable and sustainable over time.
This time is used accomplish the steps needed to re-establish health. It is used to monitor your response to treatment and maintain momentum in your care; then reassess and redirect your journey based on priorities.
This may include discussing progress or setbacks, or new developments that naturally occur.
If your last appointment was more than 10-12 months ago please schedule a 60 min extended follow up:
Feel something coming on that you want to nip in the bud? Or have you developed something you need to speak to Dr.Jaklin about before your next visit?