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Transform Life with MS
Free Guide Download

Dr. Teri Jaklin ND, IFMCP

This Transform Life with MS download is just for you

Because healing is not just about treating symptoms; it's about restoring balance and harmony on all levels.


It delves into the depths of your being, where the hidden elements of transformation reside.


There are so many things you can "do" for MS, but without the seven essentials I've outlined in this guide, none of those things may ever happen.


Download, make yourself a cup of tea, enjoy this guide and reflect on it deeply.


Yours in health,

Dr. Teri

Meet Dr. Teri Jaklin ND 

Author, Teacher, Naturopathic Doctor

A Naturopathic Doctor with the heart of a teacher and the experience of a lifetime with multiple sclerosis. Dr. Teri Jaklin is also certified in functional medicine and mind-body medicine, and has been living with MS since 1985. She has worked with people with MS for over 30 years - the last 20+ of those as a Naturopathic Doctor with a clinical focus on people with MS. Her passion for teaching and coaching is the reason why she is reaching beyond her private practice with workshops and programs that will help you sort through the confusion, and bring clarity and purpose to your journey, a journey to transform life with MS.

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